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Hector Olivera WOWS!
Posted ORGANFAX: Sunday 10th October 2010
On 30th September Wessex Organ World Society were delighted to host the Roland Concert at the Hamworthy Club at the invitation of Nick Swift from Swift Music, Bristol. We were honoured and privileged to hear the amazing and scintillating talents of Hector Olivera who had flown over especially for this event, courtesy of Roland UK. The performance was enhanced by the technical prowess of David Thomas who provided the graphics for the occasion.
Members from many organ clubs and societies throughout the south of England were in attendance to hear an evening of unforgettable magic. Hector played both the Allen classical organ and the Roland Atelier and astonished the packed hall with his abilities. Who could forget Saint-Saens Danse Macabre or Tico Tico/Flight of the Bumble Bee played on the pedals?
A truly memorable night!